Sunday, September 26, 2010

Roads Working Group

This is an email received and to be published on our blogspot:

My name is Alexandra Peters. I am a resident of Coombs Road and a member of the Whittlesea CRC.
Over the last year it has become evident that many residents are located within long dead end roads with a single point of entry or exit and roads where the only practical means of escape in an emergency is an existing Fire Access Track which is seldom accessible due to poor maintenance.
There are also many roads that remain littered with debris from the fires, burnt out trees that have since fallen or have been deliberately felled but then unexplainably left on the road reserve.
Myself and two other local residents and committee members, have formed a Roads Working Group to collect this information in the genuine desire to bring these issues collectively to any & all authorities and/or organisations to highlight the potential dangers this can present to local residents.
It is our intention to include roads from Humevale, Kinglake West, Pheasant creek, Flowerdale and Kinglake so that perhaps if we can highlight this as a larger issue and not to be perceived as one resident with one concern for one road or one tree that it may induce a more serious response.
The Roads Working Group will endeavour to cover the following topics;

1. Single point entry roads of excessive length.
2. Inadequate roadside clearing of debris left from the bushfires.
3. Threatening and potentially dangerous trees .
4. Roads identified by CFA as ‘no go’ roads due to inadequate egress or dead ends with no provision to turn the vehicles around.
5. Fire Tracks poorly maintained.
6. Information for local residents and tourists for direct means of egress in case of emergency.
7. State wide standard for signage for direct exiting from bushfire areas.

Why I am writing to you is to request that my contact details be passed onto any who may like to highlight particular issues with their roads or even if they would like to come to join our group.
They would be most welcome.
We are still very small but our intent to make a difference is immeasurable.
I hope you can help us by getting the word out to your members and others.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Alexandra Peters
Ph: 0412170741