Friday, June 25, 2010

Feedback for New Community House

The Program Reference Group (PRG) are looking for input/feedback on the new Community House to be built at the old Jarara Site in Silver Creek Road.
The building plans are available here on the Blogspot , Hazeldene General Store, Flowerdale Hall/Community House, Flowerdale Hub

The issues identified within the Group for community input are as follows:
1. Playground - size, access, fencing & location
2. Memorial Garden Location
3. Carpark access - location, surface & size, existing slab
4. Water Storage
5. Design of Playgroup area
6. Storage
7. Name of Centre

Email : with your input.

If you would like to be an observer at PRG Meetings please contact Cris Ruhr, Council Representative for the King Parrot Riding and Chair PRG
via e-mail or mobile:
Mobile: 0459 066 637