Posted - 22/7/2010
MSC Website
Opportunities are now open for young people across the Shire of Murrindindi to see their ideas that support young people through the arts, sport and education come to fruition under the Shape Your Future Youth Grants Program.
Council’s Community and Customer Service spokesman Cr Cris Ruhr said the grants were wide-raging and supported individual projects or events that created youth participation.
“From writing your own book, to organising a bike, skate or scooter competition through to creating your artwork masterpiece, these grants offer many opportunities for young people to shape their future,” Cr Ruhr said.
The grants are open to young people aged 12 to 25 years old who live, work or study in the Murrindindi Shire Council municipality. The two categories offer an individual sponsorship of $500 (inclusive) and a small grants category that offers up $2000 (inclusive).
Funding will be granted to projects that:
apply social, recreational/sports, arts or a cultural elements
provide an educational component that increases learning and skills development
promote an understanding of young people’s needs and aspirations
meet a demonstrated community need for young people and contribute to improve their wellbeing.
“If you have an idea for a project, event or activity that you would like funded then why not round up some mates and organise a workshop, expo, competition or a leadership day/camp. Or you may choose to look at individual funding to create a CD, music clip or piece of art, the ideas are endless,” Cr Ruhr said.
Applications open on 2 August and close 29 October 2010. Young people wanting further information or to discuss their idea can contact Rani (03) 5772 0713.
The guidelines, application form and lodgment details can be downloaded from the youth website on .