Monday, April 6, 2009

King Parrots coming home

It was a busy weekend up in Flowerdale and my personal highlight was to see a little group of King Parrots having a peck around in Silver Creek Rd on Sunday morning.

Silver Creek Rd in Flowerdale was effectively destroyed and looks like a war zone, I was driving around to check out where the site clean ups had been started and came across these guys.

To put in into perspective the town of Flowerdale runs along the King Parrot Creek and the King Parrot is the emblem of the town. Locals had told me that the numbers of King Parrot had increased in recent years but I hadn't come across anyone who had seen one since the fires. it is good to see not only more local people return to the town and attempt to get their lives back together but also see the native bird life retuning as well.

Hope you get some joy from this just as I did.


  1. Pete, it's strange, but I don't recall ever seeing one of these in all the time I lived in Flowerdale (I never saw a deer, either, and must have been the only person in town who didn't). I did, however, see crimson rosellas all the time. One of the most beautiful sights I used to see there was a pair of wedge-tailed eagles soaring above the hills.

    It's great to see life returning!

  2. The parrots all seem to have come to Heidelberg! Been great having them but the noise on Saturday mornings has been deafening. Haven't seen any deer wandering around Northland though.

  3. Those photo's are at our place! The King Parrots are indeed welcome visitors and returned only a couple of weeks after the fires. We do put seed out for them as there still isn't much in their natural habitat to feed on.

  4. What a fabulous site to behold :)

  5. Well done anonymous, it is great to see them. Hope they give you as much of a lift as they give me. Hope you are going OK out there.


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